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Banks DIH Limited - Essequibo Branch, is located on the western bank of the Essequibo River at Airy Hall, approximately 75 kilometers from Georgetown.

The operations of Essequibo Branch started in the 1960's at Onderneeming. The beginnings of this branch started from a rented residence there and an open yard in Adventure, which served as the Depot and Warehouse. Stock was delivered from Georgetown by river transport and distributed by carts.

On the Transport & Harbours Department's wharf at Adventure, permission was granted to Banks DIH Limited to store their stock "gratis", and freight was only collected for stocks sent. The empties were brought to Georgetown without any charges to the Company.

The growth of the business resulted in the acquisition of a property in Adventure. This property was transformed into a Bond/Warehouse, Branch Office and the Manager's residence. This significant improvement was bolstered with the acquisition of two trucks for distribution throughout the Essequibo Coast. The branch's operation started with six members of staff.

The branch's operation continued to grow and by 1970 a staff of nine(9) persons was hired to service an area of approximately 38.5 miles. Agents were appointed for outlying areas, such as Wakenaam Island, Moruka and the Pomeroon River. By this time, the ferry service became inadequate to supply stocks on time. At this period, a private contractor was hired to ferry stocks from Georgetown to Riverstown Creek on a regular basis. At Riverstown Creek another Bond was constructed.

Land ws purchased in 1980 at Airy Hall . This enabled the Essequibo Branch to be developed. In 1990 the complex was completed and in 1991, the Chairman - Mr. Clifford Barrington Reis opened the Airy Hall Branch which includes a wharf, a Warehouse, Vehicle Workshop, Branch Office, and Manager's Residence.

The Essequibo Branch now at Airy Hall under one roof, continues to serve the entire Essequibo Coast inclusive of Moruka, Wakenaam and the Pomeroon River, along with its Agents. The Branch now has a total staff of sixteen persons and a fleet of eight vehicles and a lift truck to continue its excellent service to Essequibo fondly known as the Cinderella County.