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Banks AGM Live


Thirst Park, Georgetown, March 18, 2023 – Banks D.I.H. Limited hosted its first ever Be_U_Tiful Women and Girls Conference at Thirst Park HQ, in honor of International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. The event aimed to support women and girls in recognizing the value of their own talents, skills and contribution and to inspire them to continue to add value to themselves.

The event, which was open to female employees and their daughters, featured a keynote speaker, talent presentations an exhibition, and breakout group sessions per age range. Attendees had the opportunity to network with other women and girls from the company, share their experiences, and learn from each other.

Banks DIH Limited is committed to empowering its employees and is an equal opportunity employer. The Be_U_Tiful Women and Girls Conference was a testament to the company’s commitment to promoting gender equality and creating a supportive and inclusive work environment.

“We are proud to have hosted our first-ever Be_U_Tiful Women and Girls Conference,” said the Training/Communications Executive. “The event was a great success, and we were thrilled to see so many of our female employees and their daughters come together to celebrate and support each other. We believe that investing in the personal and professional development of our employees is crucial to our success as a company, and we look forward to hosting more events like this in the future.”

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